Apimon Documentation

Note that we are planning to sunset Apimon. Over the coming months, we are adding migration information to endpoints that are likely to be discontinued. Otherwise, we will negotiate to keep everything going smoothly.

Error Handling

We can't always give a 200 status; that's just a fact of life. If you happen to stumble across a non-200 response code, here's what it means:

Any other response codes are as per HTTP specification.

AS Lookup

GET https://apimon.de/as/asn

asn The autonomous system number you'd like to perform a lookup on.

Examples: 0, 1337, & 15169.

Country Lookup

GET https://apimon.de/country/arg

arg Country name or ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, alpha-3, or numeric country code.

Examples: CH, DEU, 840, & Austria.

Edge case: Antarctica doesn't have a currency.

DNS Lookup

GET https://apimon.de/dns/hostname

hostname The hostname you'd like to perform a DNS lookup on.

Examples: apimon.de, cname.apimon.de, & _srv._tcp.apimon.de

IP Lookup

GET https://apimon.de/ip/arg

arg The IP address you'd like to perform a lookup on.


Location and AS information might not be available for every IP address, especially IPv6.

Minecraft Data

GET https://apimon.de/mcdata/arg

arg Empty, version, or file path.

Examples: empty, version, & file path.

Minecraft Versions

GET https://apimon.de/mcversions/arg

As we are planning to sunset Apimon, consider using https://launchermeta.mojang.com/mc/game/version_manifest.json instead.

arg Empty or version, optionally followed by /client or /server.

Examples: empty, version, client download, & server download.

Generate QR Code

GET https://apimon.de/qr/ecc/contents.png

As we are planning to sunset Apimon, please consider using a client-side QR code generator, instead.

ecc Error correction code (ECC). Need help?
contents The contents of the QR code.

Example: Hello, world!

My IP Address

GET https://ip.apimon.de

My IPv4 Address

GET https://ipv4.apimon.de

My IPv6 Address

GET https://ipv6.apimon.de

Redirect Lookup

GET https://apimon.de/redirect/url

This endpoint has been discontinued.

url The URL you'd like to know the destination of.

Example: https://hax.to/hax

WHOIS Lookup

GET https://apimon.de/whois/url

url The domain you'd like to perform a WHOIS lookup on.

Examples: hellsh.com, & hellsh.de

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